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The Program

The Restored Connection Program looks at building family connection through shared story, play, reflection and planning for the future.

It involves creating a safe place at home to sit with your child/s, distraction free, and have important conversations.


The sessions go for 1 hour and are facilitated by Mark.


 The Program runs for 6 sessions and allows both the young person and parents to reflect on what is important to them, share both successes and challenges, and plan for a connected future.

The program follows a framework yet is flexible to respond to the current needs of the family. No two families are the same.

This program is for all families, of all shapes, sizes and make up. The Program is best suited to tweens and teenagers.

If a young person is unsure about the program, having some mentoring sessions with Mark before hand can help build trust around the program. A young person will only engage with the program if they feel safe and know that they will be heard.

Past, Present, Future.

The Program starts in the past and allows discussion of significant moments in the family's past. It moves into the present and allows everyone to share what is important for them, now. The Program finishes with a visioning for the future, both as individuals and as a family.


Story and Play

The two best ways to learn about someone? Story and Play.

The Program allows time for both as a means to connect and learn about each other. Young people need to hear your stories, both your successes and failures. If you have a young person who has stopped listening to your advice, story is the way back to connection and shared wisdom.


Restorative Framework

The Program leans on the Restorative Practice framework that keeps relationships at the centre. When things go wrong, as they do with young people as they learn, a Restorative approach focuses on the harm done to others and explores ways of making things right. It is reflecting on our behaviours and their impacts on those around us that will lead to change.


Strategies and Resources

The program builds on strategies to help connection with young people. Through weekly family rituals like eating together, to working through a framework of questions about when things go wrong, the program aims to empower all members of the family to be able to better navigate change and conflict, while still celebrating the good parts of life.

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